Map tool FAQ

What is the main purpose of the map tool?

Overview: The map tool is essential for analyzing player positions, utility usage, and gameplay patterns across rounds.

This tool helps you review matches by providing player positional data, utility usage, and identifying patterns in gameplay. It’s particularly useful when synced with match VODs, allowing for a deeper analysis of team strategies.This is some text inside of a div block.

How do I use the replay mode to analyze matches?

Overview: Replay Mode lets you watch rounds play out and analyze specific scenarios in detail.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Access Replay Mode: Click on the “Replay Mode” button.
2)   Play Rounds: Use the play button to watch rounds unfold.
3)   Filter Rounds: Apply filters to focus on specific scenarios, such as spike plants or team wins.
4)   Select Specific Rounds: Switch between icons, heat maps, or traces for different perspectives.
5)   Visualize in Different Formats: Switch between icons, heat maps, or traces for different perspectives.

What is analytics mode, and how can I use it for in-depth analysis?

Overview: Analytics Mode provides a comprehensive view of utility usage and player positions over specific timeframes.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Access Analytics Mode: Click on the “Analytics Mode” button.
2)   Select Timeframes: Click and drag on the timeline to anal parts of a round.
3)   View Player Positions: Choose to view positions for the whole team or individual players.
4)   Use KD Zone: Utilize the KD Zone to see where kills or deaths occurred.
5)   Apply Filters: Isolate specific events or actions for a detailed analysis.

How do I filter specific gameplay scenarios?

Filters allow you to narrow down rounds based on specific events, player roles, or actions.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Open Filters: Access the filter options from the left sidebar.
2)   Set Filters: Choose criteria such as round outcomes, player roles, or specific events.
3)   Apply Filters: The map and timeline will update to reflect only the rounds or events that match your criteria.

Can I bookmark important gameplay moments for later review?

Bookmarks let you save specific rounds and scenarios for quick access and analysis.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Create a Bookmark: After selecting rounds and filters, click “Add Bookmark.”
2)   Name Your Bookmark: Give it a descriptive name, like “Lost Defuse.”
3)   Save Settings: The bookmark will save your selected rounds, filters, and views.
4)   Access Bookmarks: Click on a bookmark to instantly load the associated settings.

How can I visualize player movements and actions using different tools?

The software offers several visualization options to track player movements and key actions.
Detailed Steps:
1)   2D Map Icons: View player positions on a 2D map.
2)   Heat Maps: Use heat maps to see where player activity is concentrated.
3)   Traces: Track player movement paths across rounds.
4)   KD Zone: In Analytics Mode, visualize where kills or deaths occurred.

Can I customize and save my analysis views? How do I do it?

You can customize and save analysis views for specific players or teams to revisit later.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Select Teams/Players: Choose the team or players to analyze.
2)   Save Views: Use the bookmarking feature to save your configuration.
3)   Load Saved Views: Access your saved views by clicking on the corresponding bookmark.

How do I analyze specific player performances during a match?

Detailed player analysis allows you to focus on individual contributions and strategies during a match.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Choose Player: Select the player from the sidebar.
2)   Filter Specific Rounds: Isolate rounds where the player made significant contributions.
3)   View Stats: Check the “Team Agent and Stats” tab for detailed player stats.

What is the purpose of the “Round X v Y” tab, and how do I use it?

The “Round X v Y” tab helps you analyze specific scenarios within a round, such as numerical advantages.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Access the Tab: Click on the “Round X v Y” tab.
2)   Select Scenario: Choose the scenario you want to analyze.
3)   Navigate to the Timeline: Clicking on the scenario jumps to that moment in the round.

How do I use the kill feed to analyze specific events in a round?

The kill feed provides a detailed log of all kills and deaths, which you can use to review key events in a round.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Access Kill Feed: The kill feed appears alongside the timeline during round playback.
2)   Click to Navigate: Click on any event to jump to that point in the round.
3)   Filter by Events: Focus on specific events like first kills for targeted analysis.

What is the drawing configuration tool, and how can I use it to emphasize points?

The drawing configuration tool allows you to annotate maps and emphasize key points during analysis or presentations.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Access Drawing Tools: Hold the Alt key to access drawing tools.
2)   Draw on the Map: Use circles or other shapes to highlight areas of interest.
3)   Present Findings: Use these annotations during presentations to communicate key insights.

How do I analyze team compositions and their impact on match outcomes?

Team composition analysis helps you understand the strategic impact of different agent selections.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Access Team Agent and Stats: Go to the “Team Agent and Stats” tab.
2)   View Team Comps: See which agents were chosen and their performance.
3)   Analyze Impact: Review stats like kills and utility usage to assess the effectiveness of each composition.

How can I understand the round-by-round breakdown of a match?

The Match Overview provides a quick look at the outcome of each round, including key stats.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Access Match Overview: Click on the “Match Overview” tab.
2)   View Round Results: Check who won each round, the number of survivors, and available ultimates.
3)   Detailed Analysis: Combine this overview with Replay Mode for a deeper understanding of round dynamics.

Can I compare different rounds to identify patterns?

Comparing rounds helps identify consistent patterns or changes in team strategies.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Select Multiple Rounds: Hold Control and select the rounds you want to compare.
2)   Apply Filters: Focus on specific events or outcomes across these rounds.
3)   Analyze Patterns: Watch the rounds consecutively to identify strategic patterns.

How can I understand player behavior within the first 30 seconds of a round?

Analyzing the first 30 seconds of a round helps reveal early-game strategies and positioning.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Select First 30 Seconds: In Analytics Mode, drag on the timeline to isolate the first 30 seconds.
2)   View Player Positions: See where players are positioned at the start of the round.
3)   Use KD Zone: Check for early kills or deaths using the KD Zone.

What features assist in analyzing utility usage across rounds?

Utility analysis provides insights into how teams deploy their abilities and the impact on round outcomes.
Detailed Steps:
1)   Select Utility Filters: In Analytics Mode, apply filters to focus on specific utilities.
2)   View Utility Locations: See where and when utility was deployed.
3)   Compare Across Rounds: Identify patterns by comparing utility usage in different rounds.

Scrim tool

What is unique about the Overwolf Scrim version of the map tool?

The Overwolf Scrim version of the map tool has limitations in available data but still provides key features for analysis.

Unlike other versions, this tool does not show round outcomes or spike plant locations because Overwolf does not provide this data. However, it still offers positional data for players and certain utilities, allowing for basic analysis of gameplay.

Can I see where the spike was planted in the Overwolf Scrim version?

No, the Overwolf Scrim version does not include spike plant location data.

Due to data limitations in Overwolf, the tool does not show where the spike was planted during rounds. This means you’ll need to rely on other indicators, like player positions and kill feeds, to infer round strategies.

How do I use the round selector in the Overwolf Scrim version?

The round selector in this version lacks outcome data but still allows you to choose rounds for analysis.

You can select rounds for review, but note that there is no information on whether a team won or lost a round. This tool focuses on player positions and utility data, which you can filter and analyze.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1)   Open the Round Selector: Navigate to the round selector tool on the map interface.
2)   Choose a Round: Click on the round you want to analyze.
3)   Apply Filters: Use the filters to narrow down the data, focusing on specific players, utilities, or other available metrics.
4)   Analyze Positional Data: Review the positional data of players to infer strategies and movements during the selected round.

What data is available in the Overwolf Scrim version regarding player ultimates?

The Overwolf Scrim version allows you to filter rounds based on player ultimates at the start of the round.

You can filter rounds to see when players, like Gecko, had their ultimate available at the beginning of a round. This helps in analyzing how and when ultimates were used during gameplay.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1)   Access the Filters: Locate the filters panel on the left side of the interface.
2)   Select Ultimate Availability: Check the option to filter rounds by ultimate availability.
3)   Choose a Player: Specify which player's ultimate you want to track (e.g., Gecko).
4)   Review Filtered Rounds: Analyze the rounds where the selected player had their ultimate ready, focusing on how and when it was used.

Can I still use the kill feed for analysis in the Overwolf Scrim version?

Yes, the kill feed functions in the Overwolf Scrim version, allowing you to track kills and deaths.

Despite some data limitations, the kill feed works similarly to other versions. You can analyze the sequence of kills and deaths during a round, which can provide insights into team strategies and player performance.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1)   Open the Kill Feed: Click on the kill feed tab on the interface.
2)   Select a Round: Choose the round you want to analyze from the round selector.
3)   Review the Kill Sequence: Scroll through the kill feed to see the order and timing of kills and deaths.
4)   Click to Jump in the Timeline: Click on any event in the kill feed to jump directly to that moment in the round's timeline for deeper analysis.

What are the limitations of using the Overwolf Scrim version for gameplay analysis?

The Overwolf Scrim version has several data limitations, but it still offers basic analysis tools.

Key limitations include the lack of round outcome data, no spike plant locations, and restricted utility data. However, it still provides player positional data, the ability to filter based on ultimates, and a functional kill feed for analyzing gameplay.

How can I analyze rounds in the Overwolf Scrim version without outcome data?

While outcome data is missing, you can still analyze rounds based on player positions, ultimates, and the kill feed.

Focus on the available data like player positions, utility usage, and kills/deaths to infer strategies. Use the filters to narrow down rounds with specific conditions, such as when a player had their ultimate ready.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
1)   Select Rounds: Use the round selector to choose which rounds you want to analyze.
2)   Apply Filters: Focus on specific data, like player positions or utility usage, using the available filters.
3)   Review Kill Feed: Use the kill feed to understand the sequence of events during the round.
4)   Infer Strategies: Based on the positional data and kill feed, make educated guesses about team strategies and outcomes.

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